Monday, 10 September 2007

The D-20 is a true ARRIFLEX

Over the history of film the 35mm format has shaped the way stories are visually told. Directors and cinematographers learned to use the specific characteristics of this format and its lenses to convey their stories. And audiences all over the world learned to read and understand these visual clues.
The D-20 concept was shaped by countless conversation with cinematographers, producers, directors and their crews.As a result the D-20 is a digital camera specifically developed to fit seamlessly into the workflow used by film productions. A crew that is used to working with 16 or 35mm film will be able to use the same methods with the D-20. Cinematographers who have honed their skills over decades will be able to apply them similarly to the D-20, thus leveraging their experience, while gaining the immediacy of outputting a high definition digital signal.
The D-20 is a true ARRIFLEX, bringing the tradition of a great camera system into the digital age of film making.
20 Questions about the D-20 (pdf, 860K)
D-20 Product Brochure (pdf, 1.5MB)
Rental Rates Digital (pdf, 96K)

Lighting & Grip in New Jersey
ARRI CSC is proud to announce the new location of its New York Lighting and Grip Department.
have a look around

The most powerful HMI light on the planet.

Mo-Sys Lambda Digital Remote Head
Accurate, easy to use, quick to set up

35mm Format Featuresin a Super 16 Camera